

One Day post blog, sharing on Facebook.  I jumped off the cliff, not really knowing if I was doing it correctly.  I haven’t seen my blog anywhere on Facebook and also haven’t received any comments or followers.  Still believing!!!  🙂

The Adventures of Mallory and Madison

Hello!  I am getting very excited about the launch of my new book The Adventures of Mallory and Madison “Tummy time with Grandma.”  This weekend was spent mostly working on the final touches to getting this book in print.  This is a totally new adventure for me which I find very challenging and exhilarating.  My advice to any new author struggling to publish their book is to keep on keeping on.  You will find turns in the road, detours, and some, down write cliffs, to jump over.  Just take a deep breath and jump.  When you land, you’ll see that it wasn’t impossible at all.  Just keep following your goal and you will reach the finish line.  I’m not there yet but closer than I thought I would every be, I can see light at the end of the tunnel and it puts me on Cloud 9!   Please follow me and share your latest adventure.  I’d like to get to know you!










Just had to check, to see if my blog was there, and it was!  Funny story; today I had a computer person lined up to come over and help me set up my blog since the first time was  unsuccessful.  This morning, I got a text that he would be unable to come because of car issues.  Although I was very disappointed, I continued to attempt to create my blog.  I have a person who used to help me with computer matters but he no longer lives here.  So, I contacted him thru text messages and the final results were success. Moral of the story, when something doesn’t work out, look for other solutions.  I could have wasted my whole day waiting for help.  Instead, I found help another way and actually feel very proud that I did it without him!

Please continue to follow me.  I want to share so much about my book and how I came to write it.  Also, I would love to here all about you and your interests.  Until next time, in the words of Mickey Mouse, “see you real soon!”  🙂

Announcing the coming of my very first book The adventures of Twins Mallory and Madison “Tummy time with Grandma”

I think I did it!  A wise man once told me that if I wanted to do something, I had to just get “into it” and start.  So, this is my first, no, second attempt, to start my blog.  First time, I lost everything, so that blog is out there somewhere in Cyberspace!

My name is Barbara Schuermann Stock Stuckey and my brand name is “Lizzie Blitz.”          A cutsy little nickname my mother would call me when I was a little girl.  I have so much I want to share with you, but for now, I’m going to sign off, just to see if I really did do it!!!  🙂